Masoud Khalkhali

Masoud Khalkhali: Introduction to non commutative geometry 2

Masoud Khalkhali: Introduction to non commutative geometry 3

Masoud Khalkhali Introduction to non commutative geometry 4

Masoud Khalkhali: Rationality of spectral action for Robertson-Walker metrics

Weyl's Law at 101

Masoud Khalkhali: Newton divided differences, higher curved quantum tori, and scalar curvature

Masoud Khalkhali: Curvature of the determinant line bundle for noncommutative tori

Masoud Khalkhali: 'Bootstrapping Dirac ensembles'

21.05, 16:00 (CEST) Masoud Khalkhali „The mystery of curvature in Noncommutative Geometry”


Introduction to analytic number theory 13: Riemann-von Mangoldt explicit formula

Student Presentations

Student Presentations

Index Theory Lecture 1: Algebraic theory of index

Introduction to analytic number theory 12: special values of zeta function

Student Presentations

Hopf cyclic cohomology

Things you need to know before starting quantum field theory 4

Things you need to know before starting quantum field theory 3

Introduction to analytic number theory 14: A quick summary of Riemann's 1859 paper

Introduction to analytic number theory 8

Things you need to know before starting quantum field theory 2

Introduction to analytic number theory 3: convergence domain of Dirichlet series.

Things you need to know before starting quantum field theory 8